Journal Publications:
- Abdelfattah et al.; "Neurophotonic tools for microscopic measurements and manipulation: status report," Neurophotonics, 9(S1): 013001: 1-86 (2022). <Link>
- Wang Y, Gao Z, Han Z, Liu Y, Yang H, Akkin T, Hogan CJ, and Bischof JC; "Aggregation affects optical properties and photothermal heating of gold nanospheres," Scientific Reports, 11: 898: 1-12 (2021). <Link>
- Liu CJ, Shamsan GA, Akkin T, and Odde DJ; "Glioma cell migration dynamics in brain tissue assessed by multimodal optical imaging," Biophysical Journal, 117: 1179-1188 (2019). <Link>
- Li T, Liu CJ, and Akkin T; "Contrast-enhanced serial optical coherence scanner with deep learning network reveals vasculature and white matter organization of mouse brain," Neurophotonics, 6: 035004: 1-8 (2019). <Link>
- Liu CJ, Rainwater O, Clark HB, Orr HT, and Akkin T; "Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography reveals gray matter and white matter atrophy in SCA1 mouse models," Neurobiology of Disease, 116: 69-77 (2018). <Link>
- Liu CJ, Li T, and Akkin T; "Low-coherence interferometry for phase-sensitive measurement of optical rotation," Applied Optics, 57: 5893-5898 (2018). <Link>
- Zarei V, Liu CJ, Claeson AA, Akkin T, and Barocas VB; "Image-based multiscale mechanical modeling shows the importance of structural heterogeneity in the human lumbar facet capsular ligament," Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16: 1425-1438 (2017). <Link>
- Liu CJ, Williams KE, Orr HT, and Akkin T; "Visualizing and mapping the cerebellum with serial optical coherence scanner," Neurophotonics, 4: 011006: 1-8 (2016). <Link>
- Liu CJ, Black AJ, Wang H, and Akkin T; "Quantifying three-dimensional optic axis using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," J. Biomed. Opt. 21: 070501: 1-4 (2016). <Link>
- Wang, H, Akkin T, Magnain C, Wang R, Dubb J, Kostis WJ, Yaseen MA, Cramer A, Sakadžić S, and Boas D; "Polarization sensitive optical coherence microscopy for brain imaging," Optics Letters, 41: 2213-2216 (2016). <Link>
- Black AJ and Akkin T; "Polarization-based balanced detection for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography," Applied Optics, 54: 7252-7257 (2015). <Link>
- Yeh Y-J, Black AJ, Landowne D, and Akkin T; "Optical coherence tomography for cross-sectional imaging of neural activity," Neurophotonics, 2: 035001: 1-9 (2015). <Link>
- Claeson AA, Yeh Y-J, Black AJ, Akkin T, and Barocas VH; "Marker-free tracking of facet capsule motion using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-14 (2015). <Link>
- Wang H, Lenglet C, and Akkin T; "Structure tensor analysis of serial optical coherence scanner images for mapping fiber orientations and tractography in the brain," Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20: 036003: 1-11 (2015). <Link>
- Wang H, Zhu J, Reuter M, Vinke LN, Yendiki A, Boas DA, Fischl B, and Akkin T; "Cross-validation of serial optical coherence scanning and diffusion tensor imaging: A study on neural fiber maps in human medulla oblongata," NeuroImage, 100: 395-404 (2014). <Link>
- Wang H, Zhu J, and Akkin T; "Serial optical coherence scanner for large-scale brain imaging at microscopic resolution," NeuroImage, 84: 1007-1017 (2014). <Link>
- Magnain C, Augustinack JC, Reuter M, Wachinger C, Frosch MP, Ragan T, Akkin T, Wedeen VJ, Boas DA, and Fischl B; "Blockface histology with optical coherence tomography: A comparison with Nissl staining," NeuroImage, 84: 524-533 (2014). <Link>
- Yeh Y-J, Black AJ, and Akkin T; "Spectral-domain low-coherence interferometry for phase-sensitive measurement of Faraday rotation at multiple depths," Applied Optics, 52: 7165-7170 (2013). <Link>
- Smith RM*, Black AJ*, Velamakanni SS, Akkin T, and Tolkacheva EG; "Visualizing the complex 3D geometry of the perfusion border zone in isolated rabbit heart," Applied Optics, 51: 2713-2721 (2012). <Link>
- Qin Z, Chan WCW, Boulware DR, Akkin T, Butler EK, and Bischof JC; "Significantly improved analytical sensitivity of lateral flow immunoassays by using thermal contrast," Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 51: 4358-4361 (2012).<Link>
- Elkhalil H, Akkin T, Pearce J, and Bischof J; "Potassium titanyl phosphate laser tissue ablation: development and experimental validation of a new numerical model," J Biomechanical Eng. 134: 101002: 1-13 (2012).<Link>
- Amini R, Whitcomb JE, Al-Qaisi MK, Akkin T, Jouzdani S, Dorairaj S, Prata T, Illitchev E, Liebmann JM, Ritch R, and Barocas VH; " The posterior location of the dilator muscle induces anterior iris bowing during dilation, even in the absence of pupillary block," IOVS, 53: 1188-1194 (2012).<Link>
- Wang H, Black AJ, Zhu J, Stigen TW, Al-Qaisi MK, Netoff TI, Abosch A, and Akkin T; "Reconstructing micrometer-scale fiber pathways in the brain: multi-contrast optical coherence tomography based tractography," NeuroImage, 58: 984-992 (2011). <Link>
- Akkin T, Landowne D, and Sivaprakasam A; "Detection of neural action potentials using optical coherence tomography: intensity and phase measurements with and without dyes," Frontiers in Neuroenergetics, 2: 22: 1-10 (2010). <Link>
- Al-Qaisi MK, and Akkin T; "Swept-source polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography based on polarization-maintaining fiber," Optics Express 18: 3392-3403 (2010). <Link>
- Wang H, Al-Qaisi MK, and Akkin T; "Polarization-maintaining fiber based polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography in spectral domain," Optics Letters 35: 154-156 (2010). <Link>
- Akkin T, Landowne D, and Sivaprakasam A; "Optical Coherence Tomography Phase Measurement of Transient Changes in Squid Giant Axons During Activity," Journal of Membrane Biology, 231: 35-46 (2009).<Link>
- Al-Qaisi MK, Wang H, and Akkin T; "Measurement of Faraday rotation using phase-sensitive low-coherence interferometry," Applied Optics, 48: 5829-5833 (2009). <Link>
- Al-Qaisi MK and Akkin T; "Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography based on polarization-maintaining fibers and frequency multiplexing," Optics Express 16: 13032-13041 (2008). <Link>
- Akkin T, Joo C, and de Boer JF; "Depth resolved measurement of transient structural changes during action potential propagation," Biophysical Journal, 93: 1347-1353 (2007).<Link>
- Joo C, Akkin T, Cense B, Park BH, and de Boer JF; "Spectral domain optical coherence phase microscopy for quantitative phase contrast imaging," Optics Letters, 30: 2131-2133 (2005). <Link>
- Mujat M, Chan RC, Cense B, Park BH, Joo C, Akkin T, Chen TC, and de Boer JF; "Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness map determined from optical coherence tomography images," Optics Express, 13: 9480-9491 (2005). <Link>
- Akkin T, Davé DP, Milner TE, and Rylander-III HG; "Detection of neural activity using phase-sensitive optical low-coherence reflectometry," Optics Express, 12: 2377-2386 (2004). <Link>
- Larin KV, Akkin T, Motamedi M, Esenaliev RO, and Milner TE; "Phase-Sensitive Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry for Detection of Analyte Concentration," Applied Optics, 43: 3408-3414 (2004). <Link>
- Youn J, Akkin T, and Milner TE; "Electrokinetic measurement of cartilage using differential phase optical coherence tomography," Physiological Measurement, 25: 85-95 (2004). <Link>
- Rylander CG, Davé DP, Akkin T, Milner TE, Diller KR, and Welch AJ; "Quantitative phase-contrast imaging of cells with phase-sensitive optical coherence microscopy," Optics Letters, 29: 1509-1511 (2004). <Link>
- Telenkov SA, Davé DP, Sethuraman S, Akkin T, and Milner TE; "Differential phase optical coherence probe for depth-resolved detection of photothermal response in tissue," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49: 111-119 (2004). <Link>
- Akkin T, Davé DP, Youn J, Telenkov SA, Rylander-III HG, and Milner TE; "Imaging tissue response to electrical and photothermal stimulation with nanometer sensitivity," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 33: 219-225 (2003). <Link>
- Davé DP, Akkin T, and Milner TE; "Polarization-maintaining fiber-based optical low coherence reflectometer for characterization and ranging of birefringence," Optics Letters, 28: 1775-1777 (2003). <Link>
- Davé DP, Akkin T, Milner TE, and Rylander-III HG; "Phase-sensitive frequency-multiplexed optical low-coherence reflectometry," Optics Communication, 193: 39-43 (2001). <Link>
- Akkin T, and Saliu S; "Estimation of evoked potentials using total least squares Prony techinque,' Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing," 36: 544-548 (1998).<Link>